Conditions Treated in our Marlton Physical Therapy Office Knee Pain Treatment plan specific to you and your injury that will include range of motion... Hip Pain Treatment plan to improve mobility and strength in your hip and core musculature... Balance Training/Fall Prevention Apple Physical Therapy will design a treatment plan to identify the cause of your balance problems... Spine Injuries Treatment plan of exercises to improve mobility in your spine, back, legs... Elbow/Wrist/Hand Pain Treatment plan to improve mobility and strength in the elbow, wrist and hand... Concussion The Physical Therapists are ImPACT Trained, a credentialed concussion management program... Shoulder Pain Treatment plan of exercises to improve mobility and strength in your shoulder... Ankle/Foot Pain Treatment plan to improve mobility and strength in your, ankle, foot and leg... Parkinson's Disease LSVT BIG is a treatment protocol specifically designed to fight the pathophysiologic mechanisms of bradykinesia and hypokinesia.